IDLC is working with the Michigan Department of Education to become a registered nonpublic school. IDLC’s curriculum, programs, and policies abide by required state guidelines for nonpublic schools. The next step in the process is to obtain a building that meets required school building codes.

IDLC has been in active pursuit of a permanent location that allows us to implement our model, expand services, and grow as a community.

Until we are in our permanent location, IDLC will operate as a full time homeschool extension program

  1. Each family that enrolls in IDLC is considered a homeschool family.  
  2. There are few regulations for homeschooling in the state of Michigan. We will work with each family to navigate what this means and provide any materials for essential classes. 
  3. Families may choose to register with the state as a homeschool family. This process is a simple online form that is free and optional. By registering, your child(ren)’s education is acknowledged by the state in the event of a transfer or graduation. Registration is encouraged but is not required. 
  4. As homeschool families, IDLC learners are eligible to participate in auxiliary services and athletics through the public district in which they live. 
  5. IDLC provides families with a transcript of all classes taken while at IDLC. 

No. We will still be providing our in-person 5-day per week programming as if we were a registered nonpublic school. This will allow for a seamless transition once our registered status is finalized. At that time, all learners will be transferred to IDLC.

Our maximum guide to learner ratio is 12 to 1. 

Please visit our Tuition page for information on cost. 

IDLC supports learners from Kindergarten – 12th grade. Kindergarteners must be five years of age on or before September 1.

At IDLC, we refer to teachers as Guides. IDLC abides by all Michigan Department of Education qualification guidelines for teachers and staff of non-public schools.

No, IDLC does not assign homework. We maximize every minute of learning time during the day so learners can maximize every minute of time outside of school hours with their families.

No, bussing is not available at this time.

Our model naturally supports many of the accommodations that IEPs have because of the individualized approach and amount of one-to-one learning. Learners of IDLC are eligible to participate in auxiliary services through the public school district in which they live, if needed.

IDLC is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity. 

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